Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bring on the Brussel Sprouts

There are definite prejudices that exist in the realm of eats. Liver and brussel sprouts among the most harassed. For me, it’s a green bean gag reflex. Today I would like to officially take brussel sprouts off the list. With a little olive oil and garlic salt, they become crispy little morsels. Roast them at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, and you’ll see what I mean (Thank you, Vegan with a Vengeance, for the recipe).


Martha & Dani said...

The Brussel Snouts will never make it onto my palate list, even though I have tried them over and over again. I would rather eat the bigger version: cabbage ... in a nice salas with carrots, raisons, some celery salt, red onion, and inventive dressing. Heck, I have even used the routine red-wine vinegar dressing to good outcome. Has anyone tried to make a cole slaw from brussel spouts??


Anonymous said...

Here is a recipe I like to make:

Lentils and Rice

1.5 cups french lentils or green lentils
1 can tomato paste
2 tablespoons hot chili pepper paste
1 onion
.5 of a clove of garlic (or more)
1.5 cups jasmine rice
2 tablespoons orzo
canola or olive oil


chop up the garlic and onion
in a medium sized pot, pour in a thin layer of oil and sautee the garlic on medium heat for a few minutes. add the onion and sautee for a few more minutes, stirring occasionally

fill up the pot about 3/5 with water and add the tomato paste and chili pepper paste. stir until mixed pretty well. add lentils. raise heat, put on lid, and wait until water boils, then reduce heat to low. let it cook for about 30 minutes. add salt at the end, about 4 tablespoons, or to taste.


Start this soon after you have reduced the lentils' heat to low and covered.

In another medium sized pot, put orzo and a thin layer of oil. Put on medium heat and sautee orzo for a few minutes, until it starts to turn light brown. Don't overcook or you'll burn it. Measure 1 cup of water and have it ready to pour in when the orzo turns light brown. Add 2 more cups water, pour in some salt, raise heat to high, and bring to a boil. Add rice, stir, wait till water boils again, then reduce heat to low and cover.

Both the lentils and rice should be ready at about the same time. You can't really overcook the rice. It's better to overcook the rice than to undercook. It just gets drier and fluffier. Eat with plain nonfat yogurt. Also, the leftovers the second day tend to taste better than the original meal.
